November 2020 Digital Treasure Hunt Clue 4 8433

Congratulations you're over half way!

Read the stores and facts or skip to the next clue below:


Clue 3 Facts & Stories

(You can also find these at the end)


mnemba isaland beaches etc.


Below: Photo allegedly showing execution of SS troops in a coal yard in the area of the Dachau concentration camp during its liberation. April 29, 1945.

september 2020 facts picture 4 wanderlust treasure hunt & scavenge hunt club



Clue 4



Position your view so it is above this lake and follow these instructions:

  • Move to the south western tip of this lake.
  • Identify the region this tip is in (indicated by the thin white dotted line).
  • Continue moving south until you reach the southern tip of this region.
  • This area is pictured below with an X marking a point of interest.

November 2020 clue 4 picture 1.2 wanderlust treasure hunt & scavenge hunt club

  • Zoom in on the X and located this point of interest, what is its name?

xxxx checker - buffalo point.



    • To solve the next step you will need to use the ruler tool Scotland digital treasure hunt & scavenger hunt clue 4 picture 3
    • Instructions on how to use the ruler are displayed below:

If you are using a PC:

    • Click on the ruler icon on the left.
    • Click on the start point.
  • If you are using the App:

    • Click on the ruler icon in the top right.
    • Move the target to the start point and click 'Add point'.

    For example after doing this your screen will look something similar to this:

    june 2020 clue 4 picture 2 wanderlust treasure hunt & scavenge hunt club-01

  • Scan around this group of animals and locate animal shown below:

November 2020 clue 4 picture 2 wanderlust treasure hunt & scavenge hunt club

  • Once found using your ruler tool measure how far this animal is from the green marker (used to identifying this point of interest) this will be in a distance of m.
  • Round this number up or down to the nearest 5m and use the answer as the password to access the next page.


xxxxx password = 5.


On the next page are 2 images of a specific location from this area.
Study this area in detail using the key features in the pictures to help you and figure out where the location is.
Following this find the animals which can be seen at the spot inside the white circle by zooming in.
Work out what is the name of these animals and write it in the answer.
Tip - you might need to use the internet to correct identify which animal it is.



  • To solve the next step you will need to use the ruler tool.
  • Instructions on how to use the ruler are displayed below:

Scotland digital treasure hunt & scavenger hunt clue 4 picture 3

If you are using a PC:

  • Click on the ruler icon on the left.
  • Click on the start point.

If you are using the App:

  • Click on the ruler icon in the top right.
  • Move the target to the start point and click 'Add point'.

For example after doing this your screen will look something similar to this:

june 2020 clue 4 picture 2 wanderlust treasure hunt & scavenge hunt club-01

  • Exit the photo from the previous clue.
  • Zoom in above the podium where Hitler delivered his speeches.
  • Click once on the ruler tool and then set it so the ruler starting point is fixed to this podium.
  • Zoom far out from this city and scan directly south towards the German Alps.
  • As you move notice the ruler moving with you and the distance increasing (this should be in km if it isn't then change it by clicking on the small arrow pointing downwards).
  • Stop when the ruler gets to the same distance as the number used for the password to access this page. It should be in a straight line south from the starting point.
  • Slowly scan westwards and identify the lake that at its most southern point is at the same distance as the number used for the password to access this page, you will need to zoom in on any suspect lakes to find this. Tip - look carefully some of the lakes are light blue and easy to see but some are dark blue and harder to spot.
  • What is the name of this lake? You will find this written on the water and not by any marker.



  • Click out of ruler mode.
  • Move to the eastern end of this lake.
  • Click into 3D mode.
  • There are 2 castles close to this point ('Schloss' in German) identify the one from the pictures below and answer the question at the bottom.

clue 4 picture 2.1 Wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt club bavaria

clue 4 picture 1.1 Wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt club bavaria


  • Find what landmark is hidden behind the orange circles. Each of these has a coloured marker positioned close to them, what is the icon inside their marker? Tip - the marker shows what they are.

Use the 2 single word answers as the password to access the next clue (put them in the order you see them and put a space in-between them).




Stuck?  Try re-reading the question carefully picking up the key points.

Give up? Get the answers below for a 20 minute time penalty (if you are playing for leisure ignore this and to see the answers put in an email address).

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