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Struggling on how to start & play the game?
Click here to see a 2 page description with pictures on how to get started & play.
Or watch a short video on youtube here (please note this video features Puzmat 1, it is the same gameplay apart from the starting riddle).
So you need a little helping hand huh? First look at the hints below and if you are really stuck then you can find the answers at the bottom
Click on each clue to reveal a hint.
Blue Section
It's something found in a bathroom.
Clue 1
It's a plant.
Clue 2
This can be worked out easily – write down Option 1 - the clue is behind door 1. Then write down each statement and by it write true or false. Then do the same for Option 2 – the clue is behind door 2 and again for 3 and you will be able to see the correct answer.
Clue 3
This is the evolution of money.
Clue 4
Try placing the card in the middle of the words.
Clue 5
It's something that is being rebuilt with Chinas' belt and road initiative.
Clue 6
Draw on the squares and think carefully work your way around the square from small to big and from top to bottom.
Clue 7
The answer is higher than 30.
Green Section
It's a piece of vegetation.
Clue 1
Think about the shape of the playing field for each sport, one is different to the others.
Clue 2
The ancient civilisations in random order are – the Incas, the Greeks, The Egyptians and the Romans (Update - the cardinal direction should read west south west not south west west).
Clue 3
The 2 colours are purple and green.
Clue 4
Remember on the last day the sloth won't be slipping back down at night!
Clue 5
The answer isn't 30 (because on the last day the sloth reaches the height before the night time).
Yellow Section
It's a flower.
Clue 1
The scene is from a film that is mostly shot on a large famous boat.
Clue 2
This is the year it was released in America.
Clue 3
Take a picture on your phone of the small text then zoom in to read it – the word is a form of transport.
Clue 4
It's a city on the southern tip of south africa and a famous geographical feature.
Clue 5
Look for a ruler.
Clue 6
Identify the star that is 2 inches down from the 0.
Red Section
It's a flower.
Clue 1
The word begins with the letter A.
Clue 2
It's a famous British female musician who died at 27. Imagine there is a mirror down the middle of the cipher and copy the lines and dots across.
Clue 3
Think prime numbers.
Clue 4
It was a world first event.
Clue 5
The direction thought to let in bad energy is south.
Clue 6
A heptagon is a 7 sided shape.
Clue 7
The 3 countries are France, Fiji and Finland (the Faroe Islands are part of Denmark).
Clue 8
Find the Roman numeral of 17.
Orange Section
It's a vegetable.
Clue 1
the final lyric starts 'what a.......'
Clue 2
It's a snowsport.
Clue 3
Re-read the instructions carefully you are creating the face of an animal – clear instructions can be found here.
Clue 4
Oxygen and hydrogen make water. Sodium and chloride make table salt.
Clue 5
When he says 'my fathers son' this is him saying 'me' so change these words and see if you get it.
Clue 6
Use your keyboard to crack the code.
Clue 7
The answer is an odd number.
Clue 8
Find the tally of this number.
Pink Section
It's a sea food.
The cipher should like this:

Click on each item / clue to reveal a hint.
Aids written on mat:
Credit Card.
Cut out diamond.
Fox's head.
Blue Section
The towel.
Clue 1
Pandas eat bamboo = the icon of bamboo.
Clue 2
Lay out all the options:
Option 1: The clue is behind Door 1
Door 1 – The next clue is here = True
Door 2 – The next clue is not here = True
Door 3 – The next clue is not behind Door 1 = False
Option 2: The clue is behind Door 2
Door 1 – The next clue is here = False
Door 2 – The next clue is not here = False
Door 3 – The next clue is not behind Door 1 = True
Option 3: The clue is behind Door 3
Door 1 – The next clue is here = False
Door 2 – The next clue is not here = True
Door 3 – The next clue is not behind Door 1 = True
Therefore the only true statement is on Door 3 and the clue is behind Door 2.
Clue 3
The evolution of money – trading, coins, notes, cards, crypto = credit card.
Clue 4
Place the credit card in the middle so on the top line only 'Well' on the left and 'done' on the right are showing. Then read all the visible words which will make a sentence.
Clue 5
You are looking for the silk road (an old trading route between these countries) this is shown by silk being described in text and an icon of a road below it.
Clue 6
The answer is 40 – see how its worked out here.
Clue 7
The answer is 40 find it written on the west side of the blue area.
Green Section
It's a leaf (not the grapes they are used later).
Clue 1
Cricket as it is played on an oval field all the others are rectangles.
Clue 2
Start with the Eyptians (the Pyramids) then the Greeks (the Parthenon) then the Romans (the Colosseum) and finally the Incas (Machu Picchu) (Update - the cardinal direction should read west south west not south west west).
Clue 3
The clue with the star number 48 bottom left from the diamond.
Clue 4
The icon of the grapes which can be purple or green.
Clue 5
25 days - After 24 days and 24 nights, the sloth is 24 feet up. On that 25th day, the sloth scrambles up six feet.
Clue 6
Look for the number 25 written in the top right of the green area.
Yellow Section
The sun flower.
Clue 1
The scene is from Titanic when Jack and Rose are standing at the bow of the boat.
Clue 2
The year it was first released was 1997 (in America).
Clue 3
The linking word is Bike – mountain bike, dirt bike & electric bike.
Clue 4
The city is Cape Town and the famous thing is table mountain – look for icons of a table and a mountain.
Clue 5
Find the ruler on the left side of the yellow area.
Clue 6
Look for the star that is 2 inches down from the 0 (this is 14 lines down from the top).
Red Section
The rose.
Clue 1
The word is ANGEL.
Clue 2
The musician is Amy Winehouse, the final word is leather (if you want to know how it's worked out then write leather under the coded word and write in the cipher all the letters you know – from Amy Winehouse and leather).
Clue 3
It's the next prime number which is 19 (XIX in Roman numerals).
Clue 4
The moon landing!
Clue 5
Left – stand on the east and look west, if the door swings to the south it has to be hung on the left side.
Clue 6
The middle polygon has 7 sides the answer is the on the 4th side anti-clockwise from the base = 3 countries starting with the letter F.
Clue 7
19 - The 3 countries are France, Fiji and Finland (the Faroe Islands are part of Denmark).
Clue 8
Find the Roman numeral of 17 (XVII) its at the bottom of the red area.
Orange Section
The carrot.
Clue 1
The lyric you are looking for is - 'What a wonderful world'.
Clue 2
On the edge of the mat look for socks, ski boots and skis then the start of a red and blue slalom – follow this to the end blue poles.
Clue 3
You are creating the face of a fox – clear instructions can be found
Clue 4
The cross is made from the lines between the symbols water – Oxygen O & hydrogen H and salt – sodium Na & chloride C.
Clue 5
The answer is his son.
Break it down like this:
A man is looking at a photograph of someone.
His friend asks who it is.
The man replies, “Brothers and sisters, I have none. - from this we know he is an only child.
But that man’s father is my father’s son.” - so when he refers to 'my father's son' he can only be referring to himself and thus this sentence can be re-written as this 'But that man's father is me'.
Therefore he is looking at the photograph and saying that mans father is me and so its his son.
Clue 6
Use a keyboard (on you PC or phone) each group of letters writen on the mat surround a single letter on a keyboard. This spells out the word headlight.
Clue 7
5 = a witch, a wizard, a wand, a cauldron, a crystal ball – look across the whole mat.
Clue 8
Find the tally of 5 at the bottom of the orange area.
Pink Section
The prawn.
The cipher is this with the sequence of sections show below:

Final code
pink orange yellow orange blue green red green red blue orange pink = POYOBGRGRBOP.