September 2020 Digital Treasure Hunt X 6784
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US - Mexican Border - read the facts & stories here.
Los Angeles coast - read the facts & stories here.
Hollywood - read the facts & stories here.
Universal Studios - read the facts & stories here.
Death Valley - read the facts & stories here.
Sequoia National Park & American Indians
The password used to access this page - Monachee is the name of the Native American tribe who live in this area.
The Native Americans of California were decimated during the 'Californian Genocide' which refers to the actions from the 18th to late 19th century by the Spanish, Mexican and United States that resulted in the dramatic decrease of their population.
Between 1849 and 1870, following the U.S. occupation of California in 1846, it is conservatively estimated that no fewer than 9,492 Californian Indians were killed and that acts of enslavement, kidnapping, rape, child separation and displacement were widespread, encouraged, carried out by and tolerated by state authorities and militias.
Why are they called Indians?
The modern day politically incorrect term of American Indian originates from when Christopher Columbus found America. Columbus referred to the resident peoples he encountered there as "Indians" reflecting his purported belief that he had reached the Indian Ocean. The name stuck; for centuries the native people of the Americas were collectively called "Indians" in various European languages.