September 2020 Digital Treasure Hunt Clue 4 Answers 3343

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Read the stores and facts or skip to the next clue below:


Clue 3 Facts & Stories

(You can also find these at the end)


Hollywood's Forever Cemetery
Tons of stars are buried in Hollywood’s Forever Cemetery. One of them is Looney Tunes voice actor Mel Blanc, whose gravestone reads, “That's all folks.”
TMZ - Studio Zone
"TMZ" is short for "Thirty-Mile Zone," in reference to the historic "studio zone" within a 30-mile radius in Los Angeles, California.
Entertainment industry labour unions use the studio zone to determine per diem rates, work rules, and workers' compensation for union workers. For example, entertainment works produced within the area are considered "local" and workers are generally responsible to pay for their own transportation and meals; those outside the zone are considered "on location" and the studios are generally expected to pay for these things.
During most of the 20th century, the Hollywood entertainment industry preferred to film movies and television shows within the studio zone to reduce labour costs. Thus, the zone largely determined the location and success of the original movie ranches in or near Hollywood. By establishing movie ranches around the periphery of the zone, studios could take advantage of Los Angeles's varied landscape. With clever editing, it was easy to use a few aerial and location shots (usually shot by a second unit), along with carefully dressed sets, to give viewers the impression that a movie or show was set elsewhere.
The studio zone itself, as well as the lack of motion picture production companies and experienced personnel outside the zone, made it expensive to film on location, since movie studios had to bring everything needed from Los Angeles. In turn, anyone who wanted to start a career in the entertainment industry had to move to Los Angeles to break into the studio zone.


Below: Hollywood boom - in 1922 and again in 1929
clue 3 fact picture 3.2 wanderlust treasure and scavenger hunt

clue 3 fact picture 3.3 wanderlust treasure and scavenger hunt


Clue 4


  • Exit the photo by clicking on the arrow in the top left corner.
  • Realign your view to north by clicking once on the compass icon.
  • Zoom out to roughly 2000m / 2km.
  • Move west and stop at a famous movie studios nearby.
  • What is the name of this studio? Enter a one word answer.





This studio comprises of a theme park surrounded by movie studios both of which are within the red outlined below:

clue 3 picture 1.1 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

  • Click into 3D mode explore the theme park and studios and answer the following 4 questions - keep a note of the answers.
  • Tip - move around the park spinning your view and zooming into different areas using all the Google Earth techniques you have learnt.



What is the name of the owner of the livery stable in the 'western street'? The answer will fit in the spaces below:

_ _    _ _ _ _ _

Al Janks - street is just to the north of the Jaws Lake (middlish) 



What is the name of the Simpsons character whose oversized head is positioned at the front of a building? The answer will fit in the spaces below:

_ _ _ _ _ _

Krusty - middle left on the Simpsons ride.


Locate the plane crash (this is from the 2005 War of the Worlds film with Tom cruise). Follow these instructions to draw an imaginary letter:

Imagine a line from this house:

clue 3 picture 2 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt


To this is plane part:

clue 3 picture 3 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt


To this plane part:

clue 3 picture 3 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

To this house:

clue 3 picture 5 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

Back to this plane part:

clue 3 picture 3 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

To this plane part:

clue 3 picture 6 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

Finally to this plane part:

clue 3 picture 7 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

If the last line is the base of the letter, what letter does this create?



E - below Psycho House on the right.



What is the only word that is readable in the Waterworld set? The answer will fit in the spaces below:

_ _ _ _

Fuel - middle left of the park.



Take the first letter of all the answers and what 4 letter word can be made from these that accurately describes the scenes created in these studios?

Use this as the password to access the next clue.





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