COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Hello Treasure Hunters
A quick coronavirus (COVID-19) update from Bryn, the Director of the Great Game Treasure Hunts. Please keep in mind I have furloughed myself and my business partner so if there is a delay in you receiving replies to your quires and delivery of your hunts, this is why. When Lock-down is lifted I will be looking to come back to work.
First, I hope that all of you are staying safe in this challenging time and thank you for your continued support of the Great Game Treasure Hunts.
I would like to remind you all of the importance of staying active at this time and continuing to exercise to help keep up a healthy immune system.
New Government advice says that walking and exercise is still allowed. Therefore doing an active treasure hunt whilst on a walk is still okay, please only participate with people you are living with. NHS advice says to maintain social distancing of 2 meters from strangers whilst walking outside.
It is still possible to continue to play our outdoor Corona friendly Treasure Hunts, exercise, get fresh air and participate in social distancing (if you are high risk or over the age of 70 I do urge you to keep an close eye on the ever changing medical advice).
We would therefore encourage you to continue to support our struggling business in this difficult time by buying our safe digital hunts that you can print off at home or play on your phone. As a thank you for helping us stay in business and for you not being able to take advantage of the pub at the end of the hunt we are giving you the discount code of “12OFF” which will give you £12 off your entire order (just enter it in the discount code box at the checkout).
We at the Great Game Treasure Hunts are also in the process of making and designing some indoor house-based games for you and your family to play at home during this time, so keep an eye out for them next week!
Please also note that pubs are now closed.
With almost everything else shut we are the most Corona friendly option out there. None of our hunts expire and can be played in the coming months and year, so you can still buy now and play later.
Thank you so much
Bryn and The Great Game Team