Things to do in the Peak District; Treasure Hunt
Peak District Treasure Hunt.
The Great Game is a unique treasure hunt with real treasure (the pub!)
You are given a treasure map, compass and clues to find your way along the route. You will explore the city and reveal where to draw the X on the map to show the location of the treasure - a great pub with discount!

The Peak District treasure hunt key points:
- 4 miles in length.
- The route starts Speedwell Cavern car park and finishes at a pub which is walking distance back to the start.
- The final pub is a classic village pub with a welcoming atmosphere and great food.
- This route is all off road and takes in some steep climbs up and down hill.
- Enjoy the Peak Districts striking natural beauty, this route goes through stunning landscapes and points on interest.
- Information is provided on little bits of history as you walk.
- 10% off your bill when ordering food.