September 2020 Digital Treasure Hunt Clue 2 Answers 6324

Clue 2 Answers

Answers are written in red.



  • Exit the photo mode by clicking on the arrow in the top left corner.
  • Re-align your view to north by click once on the compass in the corner.wanderlust treasure hunt club & scavenger hunt club compass icon
  • Zoom out to a desired height and scan up the coast northwards.
  • Look for the distinctive spot pictured below, once found stop here.
  • Tip - the further you zoom out the quicker you will be able to find this but be careful not to over look it! Zoom in to check any suspect locations.
clue 2 picture1 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt
  •  What is the only British landmark within this area? Use the full title.


The Queen Mary - ocean liner docked here.

Did you know - the history of this landmark?
Built in 1936 to serve between Southampton and New York she was brought here after being retired in 1967. Today it is a tourist attraction featuring restaurants, a museum and a hotel.



  • Zoom in and establish the direction this landmark is pointing in.
  • Look in this direction across the city for a transport hub whose name begins with Z.
  • If you reach the ocean again you've looked too far!
  • What is the name of this transport hub? We are only looking for 2 words.

Zamperini Airfield 



  • Identify what type of transport hub this is.
  • Scan northwards along the coast and you will find 2 more of these situated a couple of blocks from the coast.
  • Stop at the 2nd one.
  • What is the name of this? We are only looking for 2 words.


Santa Monica



  • This transport hub points inland and to the coast.
  • Follow the direction it points to the coast and locate this spot on the beach:
clue 2 picture 2 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt
Did you know - how Venice Beach got its name?
The famous stretch of beach you are now on was referred to as the 'Venice of America' and was founded in 1905 by tobacco millionaire Abbot Kinney as a 14-mile beach resort town. Read up about its oil fields on the facts on the next page.

  • Here click into 3D mode and scan northwards along the coast ticking off these landmarks as you go (you will need to zoom in & out and spin around to see them).
  • Firstly this point which is the end of a very famous east / west driving route across the USA. Identify this by studying the photo and looking for the correct landmark named on Google Earth.

clue 2 picture 3.1 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt

Check you are in the right place below, what is the number of this route?




  • From here study the lifeguard towers on the beach and stop at this one (the view in the picture is 3D from the ocean):

clue 2 picture 4 wanderlust treasure hunt and scavenger hunt


Did you know - where the lifeguard towers made famous from Baywatch were filmed?
Baywatch was prominently filmed at Will Rodgers State Beach slightly to the north of this spot. There are 158 lifeguard towers along the Los Angeles County coastline and each of them can be moved by tractor in case of storms.


  • Zoom out from this lifeguard tower and identify the main road which is both inline with this tower and runs inland.
  • What is the name of this road? Write it exactly how it appears on Google Earth and use this as the password to access the next clue.


Santa Monica Blvd  

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